
Join the growing Deep Green Resistance movement and help actualize a strategy to save the planet. Deep Green Resistance Central Valley is always looking for committed members to join our action group. There a few actions we’d like you to take before you join, however.

First, please familiarize yourself with our guiding documents. It would also be a good idea to read the book Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet and/or review some of our YouTube videos as well.

After reviewing these documents, please contact us at Please include your name, contact information, and briefly describe why you are interested in joining DGR.

We will  then get in touch with you about scheduling a phone conversation between yourself and DGR:CV. This time will be used to discuss your membership and is the final step you need to take to initiate your becoming a member of the action group.

It should be noted that one does not need to be a member of Deep Green Resistance Central Valley to volunteer, offer support, or be an ally. There are many ways that you can be involved and help the movement as a whole and our action group, so please get in touch if this describes you.

Please contact us if you have any questions:

Phone: (916) 538-9347

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